Analyze specific ESG that impacts your investment, guides your strategy, reduce your risk based on ESGAnalytics.Ai products. Our composite ESG data analytical products utilize federal and well-sourced databases (including satellite and sensor data) that are carefully validated (uncertainty levels provided). Additionally, our software tool allows for rating customization and reporting based on the client’s methodologies and impact preferences on each ESG product.
For bond investing in the US, we have ESG products at census block/county/state level, 2000-2020) for different sectors such as housing, health, energy, and social services. We firmly believe our ESG products can lead to more sustainable and resilient communities with improved educational, gender, health, and economic outcomes. Our products can potentially strengthen the credits issued by those communities over the long term. For securities, SocialView360 focuses on specific ESG metrics (gender and social inclusion) of S&P 500 and Russel 2000 companies. In addition, we have a global product that provides country-level SDG profiles.
Measuring what matters with continually updated dashboards to track and drive performance is critical in assessing ESG materiality. ESGAnalytics.AI products are scientifically derived composites combining multiple variables. Our ESGAnalytics.Ai platform provides data products that can be easily integrated into your existing models.
You can buy any product or products at county, state, school district or other census scales. For global SDGs, buy profiles at a country scale.
Climate Risks Vulnerability
Changes in the global climate exacerbate climate hazards and enhance the risk of extreme weather disasters, including rising sea levels, supercharged storms and higher wind speeds, more intense and prolonged droughts and wildfire seasons, heavier precipitation and flooding. Our climate risk product enables you to measure climate risks using spatial and satellite data available for 2000-2020.
Map hazards such as sea-level rise, water stress, extreme weather, flood risks, wildfire, and the corresponding social vulnerability or home values. This product is useful in real estate investment or insurance risk.
Social Vulnerability
Social vulnerability refers to a county or municipality’s characteristics in terms of its capacity to anticipate, cope with, and recover from the impact of a natural hazard or health risk. It is a composite measure of 20 data variables, including age, poverty, educational attainment, household spending patterns, and household size & structure.
Assess social vulnerability at the county, state, or metro levels and better target your social investment.

Racial Justice
An essential perspective of sustainable investing is that it can explicitly address racial justice. Racial equity is critical in explaining climate or Covid risks across the US. We provide a racial equity index at the census block level based on a new entropy measure across all races (including White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Indian).
Create a new investing strategy to address racial justice from the ground up
Climate Ready USA – GHG Emissions and Scoping
Climate Ready USA – GHG Emissions and Scoping Cities are responsible for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, it is useful to measure scope 1 and scope 2 carbon emissions intensity to transition a city to a more sustainable one. Scope 1 refers to direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the city.
Explore how cities across the US are working to measure their Scope 1 and 2 emissions, a vital first step towards taking ambitious climate action plans. Identify on the ground risks in your investment strategy.

Gender Equality
Gender equality and inclusion are necessary for a more equitable world. Gender-driven bond investments can simultaneously address gender equality while generating investor returns. This product measures the Gender Wage Gap in each sector of the economy and education of each gender across age and race groups.
Spot where gender equality is the best and the worst; identify solutions that may be useful to address this risk.
Health & Wellness
The Health and Wellness of a community can be measured using 3 metrics – Healthy Living, Comorbid conditions, Risky behaviors. This composite measures 20-30 variables: race, income, family, air and water quality, insurance, housing, health (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and other conditions), and healthcare access.
Examine how the ESG multi-dimensional products help you to invest in addressing the complex score of health and wellness. Our metric includes three facets of health – health and wellness that includes over 100 variables such as premature death, infant mortality, HIV prevalence, and alcohol impaired death.

Low Carbon Economy & Jobs
A transition to a low carbon economy will address emissions and increase green employment, reduce energy expenditure, and change to renewable energy. Our low-carbon economy analytics look at the suitability of new on-shore wind power plants and re-powering existing plants (replacing old turbines with new ones), Photovoltaic equipment, and projects combining electricity generation, energy storage/or load management, biogas, hydro-electric power stations, and geothermal energy. The resulting data measure will help evaluate policy initiatives and the labor market impact of economic activity related to protecting the environment and conserving natural resources (fisheries, forestry).
Develop the right business strategies to transition to a smart low carbon economy.
Education Achievement Gap
Education attainment (school and college) is positively correlated with health and well-being, income, fertility choices, and decreased crime. Ensuring each student is better prepared at the end of each grade reduces the social and economic burden. This composite measure integrates 6-12 variables related to academic achievement based on the latest research on race, income, access to resources (scholarships, internships), and parents’ education in the household.
Identify the right investment areas for reducing educational gaps as part of your responsible social investment.

AI and Automated Jobs
Andrew Yang’s presidential bid in 2019 emphasized future trends in US employment due to AI automation. This metric data model the loss of jobs due to automation based on the latest research across counties using the 2019 population and US 2030 projection.
Use ESGAnalytics.Ai platform to analyze the potential impact of AI automation based on our estimated industrial sectors prone to a rise in automation.
Digital Divide
The digital divide denotes a lack of internet connectivity, computers, broadband access. COVID-19 has revealed the importance of digital connectivity in remote education. Many students across the country have been unable to participate in distance learning because they lack access to the internet and computers in their homes.
How the ESG perspective helps to identify the worst digital divide across rural and urban areas.

SDG Tracker/Mapper - Sustainable Development Goals
A complete database of environmental and social impact data based on satellite data, country, UN, and international bank investment data.
A standard set of SDG products and services related to poverty, hunger, health, gender equality, energy, climate action, and sustainability in 195 countries.